Smile Mobility - Shaping the future of mobility together
Smile Mobility's vision is to reduce CO2 emissions and create climate-friendly global mobility with renewable energies. The use of innovative technologies, high-quality alternative materials and sustainability has the highest priority. With a strong partner network and the open source philosophy, we want to put an environmentally friendly electric vehicle on the road with your help by 2026.
Support us in our goal of continuously improving energy efficiency.
With your contribution, you can support the project not only financially, but also ideally and personally.
Your commitment is of central importance, because your support enables our joint work on sustainable mobility for the future.
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10 € spenden und deine Reservierung für den ersten Serien-Smile erhalten möchtest, kontaktiere uns am besten direkt!
10 €
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Als aktiver Entwickler schnelleren Aufstieg im Rangsystem
100 €
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